Saturday, January 16, 2021

January Virtual "Open Readings"

Welcome to our January 2021 Shelter-In-Place Video "Open Reading". A huge thanks is due to all the folks who have participated either as audience or as featured readers in our Cholla Needles Zoom Shelter-In-Place readings. 

There's no way I thought this Covid experience (first advertised as a flu) was going to last this long. Because it's a tough cookie that plans to create havoc with our live events for some more months into the future, I am pleased that we are able to have these video experiences to share with each other. I can honestly say hearing your voices electronically is keeping me sane. 

If you have a video you'd like to share, please - send me a note & let me know. We consider this a community page, and is not limited to only our "featured readers". This spot is here to help us experience the love of great writing until we can meet together in one spot again.

So, if you are browsing our pages, we consider YOU a part of our family and you are welcome to become part of our Shelter-In-Place video pages. Simply contact us at & ask how to get your videos posted on our pages. You can also use this address to send us your poetry, short stories, essays, and art for publication in our monthly magazine. 

Good Times!!! Enjoy the videos:

John Sierpinski reads 
Lonesome Goose Lonesome Train

Allyson Jeffredo reads 
a series of Sonnet Crowns

Francene Kaplan reads Lost and Looking Ahead

Mark Evans reads Bridge of Sighs

Kendall Johnson reads Kentone - Hwy 18

Noreen Lawlor reads Hung With Silence

Kurt Schauppner reads
To The Dead Mouse Found 
In One Of My T-Shirt Drawers

Susan Rukeyser reads 
Timeline for Decomposition

Caryn Davidson reads Full Sky

Michael G. Vail reads The Ravens

Don MacQueen reads Resolution

rich soos performs Comin' On

John Sierpinski reads Prison In Lebanon

Francene Kaplan reads Millions of Caterpillars

Mark Evans reads A Kiva Telephone

Kendall Johnson reads 
Day 8 - Sunday Afternoon

Noreen Lawlor reads I Come

Kurt Schauppner reads 
Thoughts After Walking 
In The Hills Near My Home

Susan Rukeyser reads 
The Worst Girl's Best Day

Caryn Davidson reads 
Descent with Modification

Michael G. Vail reads Acid Reflux Blues

Don MacQueen reads Severed Lifeline

rich soos performs Rock Hard

John Sierpinski reads Two Poems

Caryn Davidson reads 
Pareidolia - Rock Pile in Lost Horse Valley

Francene Kaplan reads 
The Girl In The Box At The Dump

Mark Evans reads Two Poems

Noreen Lawlor reads Sad Lioness

Kurt Schauppner reads 
Thoughts On My Mother 
Preparing To Turn Ninety

Caryn Davidson reads 
Pantoum for Yucca Brevifolia

Michael G. Vail reads Ryland Road

Don MacQueen reads Still Life

rich soos performs No More Spontaneity

Brian Beatty reads Hobo Radio

Jean-Paul L. Garnier reads
Betelgeuse Dimming

See you again in February!!!!

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