Monday, January 20, 2025

A Peek At The Past. . .

Fans of Cholla Needles are aware that in a previous incarnation, Cholla Needles was called Seven Stars. Recently I was talking with Juan Delgado about Adastra Press & the beautiful books that were hand-printed with metal type set letter by letter and space by space by Gary Metras. I remembered Gary not only because of his beautiful books but also his wonderful poetry, which appeared in Seven Stars and many other magazines. I looked up Gary, just for the heck of it, and was pleasantly surprised and excited to discover he is still writing poetry! And was also surprised that he remembered Seven Stars, as well as some the other magazines that were publishing him. He sent me back this wonderful photograph of all the mimeograph magazines that came out with his work about the time Seven Stars 32 was released in the 1970's. I had forgotten the cost of the magazine (150 cents) - so I love this picture, and I hope you will too. 

(click picture to enlarge)

If you look beneath the magazines you will see the metal type Gary used to create books by many small press poets for over 40 years. Len Fulton, editor of the monthly Small Press Review often chose a title from Adastra Press as "Pick Of The Month." because of Gary's editing skills as well as the beautiful presentation. I knew all of the magazines pictured here, and most of the editors. The literary small press world was affordable enough to be able to have a good library with all of these titles, plus others like Wind, Samisdat, Wormwood Review, Second Coming, and more so we could keep up with the best current writers each month. 

Gary Metras! Thank you for the great memories!!! Love, Rich

PS: Gary's memory is much keener than mine, so you'll appreciate this fun quip he sent along with the photograph: "You published me a few time in Seven Stars. Back then, though, I think you were Rick. So good to see that succeeding years you have become Rich!"

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

New Issue! Cholla Needles 97.5


Special Issue, edited by Philip Kobylarz

this special issue dares to predict the
next Poet Laureate of The United States

with literature from:
Charlie Speight
David Hamilton
Florence Wienberger   
Jack Cousineau
Jerome Wilson
Karen Brennan
Stephen D. Gutiérrez
Philip Kobylarz
 and Greg Wyss

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

New Issue! Cholla Needles 97


Edited by Miriam Sagan
Artwork by Isabel Winson-Sagan

Literature by
Barbara Robidoux
John Macker
Dale Harris
Behzad Dayeny
Judy K. Mosher
Christien Gholson
Kathleen Lee
Renée Gregorio
John Brandi
Jessica Ann Sanchez
Mary Oishi
and Colin Dardis