Wednesday, November 30, 2022

New Book! Inquire Within by Dave Maresh

Inquire Within is the fascinating new book of poetry by Dave Maresh. This is his third collection in six years and as readers we are always greatly thrilled by the fact that Dave continues to dig up new themes and images with his special blend of satirical humor. There's not many poets whose goal is to make you laugh with the world, and it's good for all of us that Dave has that unique ability.

Dave has written fifteen novels, four short stories, three children's stories, and is writing poetry nowadays. He likes open styles, free verse, mysteries and adaptations from real life. He has always been a writer.

Dave and his wife, Michelle, have travelled extensively through Europe, and have four beautiful grandchildren. He is also a private pilot, so now you know who is making all the noise over your head. His two previous books of poetry, a book that turned up one day (2018), and The Future Is Out To Get You (2020), along with five novels Garage Band, Jaegger In The Underworld, Penguins and Nazarenes, The National Argument, and Fixer Upper are all published by Cholla Needles Arts & Literary Library in Joshua Tree, California.


Sunday, November 20, 2022

Cholla Needles 71 featured on K101.7 11/20/22

11/20/22 - Today at 4 PM on Z107.7 the mellifluous voice of Pat Kearns will be introducing tunes by ten of the songwriters who appeared in issue 71 of Cholla Needles, which was edited by Gabriel Hart. Tune in! If you are at another event at the time - never fear - a podcast of the show will be available later in the week. However, there's nothing like hearing "live" radio! As we said: "Tune in! 4 PM!" Tap on the picture below to hear our local station live wherever you are =:-)

Friday, November 4, 2022

Open Poetry Reading! November 6, 3 PM


Open Poetry Reading

November 6, 2022 3-5 PM


Gabriella Evaro

Georg Altziebler

Pat Kearns

Tim Chinnock

Cristie Carter

JD Rudometkin

Paul Cullum

Gabriel Hart

and. . .YOU!!!

The Retreat Center Bookstore Stage
Bring a mask, a lawn chair,
and a free standing umbrella for comfort
as well as your own poetry to read!
Everyone is welcome! Bring a friend!

Sponsored by The Joshua Tree Folk School

Come early and enjoy the
Joshua Tree Retreat Center Cafe/Restaurant
located at the large red dot on the map.
(Cafe open 7 AM to 3 PM)


Tuesday, November 1, 2022

New Issue Release! Cholla Needles 71!


Edited by Gabriel Hart
Cover Photo by Gabriel Hart

The fine writers included in this issue:
Georg Altziebler
Pat Kearns
Tim Chinnock
Cristie Carter
JD Rudometkin
David Fields
Jesika Von Rabbit
Sean Wheeler
Gabriella Evaro
Lisa Mednick Powell
Gabriel Hart
and Paul Cullum