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Issue 4 Authors:
Brianna Robertson, Grade 9
Brendyn Godley, Grade 9
Dakota Lazaovitz, Grade 9
David Gessaman, Grade 9
Dillon Lovejoy, Grade 10
Evalynn Large, Grade 9
Haley Perkins, Grade 9
Jack Melvin, Grade 9
Jaren Pendergrass, Grade 10
JJ Frederick, Grade 7
Jonathan Brake, Grade 9
Josiah Fontillas, Grade 10
Maile Long, Grade 9
Max Hart, Grade 10
Rebekah Billings, Grade 9
Seth Nazario, Grade 9
Brianna Robertson, Grade 9
Brendyn Godley, Grade 9
Dakota Lazaovitz, Grade 9
David Gessaman, Grade 9
Dillon Lovejoy, Grade 10
Evalynn Large, Grade 9
Haley Perkins, Grade 9
Jack Melvin, Grade 9
Jaren Pendergrass, Grade 10
JJ Frederick, Grade 7
Jonathan Brake, Grade 9
Josiah Fontillas, Grade 10
Maile Long, Grade 9
Max Hart, Grade 10
Rebekah Billings, Grade 9
Seth Nazario, Grade 9
I love this collection of poems. While reading these works I grinned, I laughed, I found tears forming, and I learned with joy that young people can communicate deep personal truths to an old poet. I respect that each writer in these pages is truly seeking to share their deepest feelings with others using their own style and methodology. I am thrilled to find sports poems, poems on faith, poems on love, poems on grief, and food poems. I am intrigued that the predictable school age poem about cafeteria food is nowhere to be found. I am proud to know that there is a vibrant interest in language among the youth in our area and they have the understanding that sharing their innermost selves will aide others in their search for words to express the life we all travel through. To the young writers - I thank each of you for making my life all the better for having read your words.
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