One of the items currently being discussed is “Supporting
Poetry/ Poets”. I call it being a Good Literary Citizen.
Of course some of that has to do with money. If you love a
poet you are probably going to buy their new book. And donations to Journals
and Presses are always appreciated. Look at the top of this page where it says
Cholla Needles is “a non-profit literary corporation”. Now look at the
top right of this post for the “Donate” button. This means two things:
- Our Fearless Leader, Rich Soos, has jumped through more hoops that you can even imagine, to become a 501(c)(3) corporation, and
- ANY donation you make will not only be appreciated, but TAX DEDUCTIBLE!!! Just make sure you keep a copy for when you do your taxes at the end of the year and it’s a win-win.
There are other ways to be a good literary citizen that are
non-monetary, and you will set a wonderful example for people who may be new to
the crazy writing life.
One night my husband and I drove 22 miles to read at a local
venue. We were the only two people who showed up, along with the host. I
clapped for my husband. He clapped for me. We both clapped for the host. Then
we drove 22 miles home. This is a
long-standing venue that used to be well attended. Of course we were
disappointed. Normally we read our poems to each other in the living room and I
can wear pajamas.
IF there are readings near you, try to attend when you can.
You will be able to practice at the mic. Poets you like may be there and you’ll
have a chance to talk to them. You will help keep attendance up. All it costs
is parking. (NOTE: if the reading is at a coffee house, please order a drink,
and please tip the Barista. At a small book store, buy a book. The owner is letting you use their space and is often supplying the snacks;
please be generous).
Those of us who bought forty, fifty, a hundred of our books
at discounts from publishers probably have boxes of books somewhere in the
house. Someone we know is teaching a poetry or creative writing class, and is
asking for donated books. Sending one book will cost postage. You will win the never-ending gratitude of
the teacher. You may have an effect on a student who will remember your
kindness and your poetry their whole life. Someday they will pay it forward.
Same with Contributor Copies of journals you are in. Do you
need two copies? Do you need three copies? Some bookstores sell journals. See
if your local bookstore would like them. See if your library or nearby school
might want them. Some poets do send them to relatives and they won’t have
enough copies. See if they’d like your extras. You only need one copy for your
“Wall of Fame”.
If there’s a poem you like in a journal, try and find the
poet on social media. Connect with them and let them know how much you like
their work. They may offer to send you a copy of their latest book, they may
not, but you will have made them so happy. Years ago we read a poem by Ken Meisel in a journal. I found him on FaceBook. We are still friends to this day.
(NOTE: if you can’t find them on social media, see if they
have a website. Almost every website will have not only a list of upcoming
readings, but a “contact us” tab). It is worth some time to do this. Someday
you will get an email from someone who saw your work and loved it. It feels
Whatever you do, check your ego at the door. The idea is to
be a good literary citizen, not an egomaniacal, narcissistic person who makes
other people feel stupid. If you are asked to blurb or review a book, be
thankful. Try to do it if you can, and don’t take three months to do it because
you are so busy. If you can’t do it, be apologetic. You don’t need to
include a list of all the important literary commitments keeping you from a
2-hour blurb.
If you are asked to feature, be thankful. Ask how much time
you have and don’t go over. If you put an event on social media, make sure it
tells other people how long they have to read too.
There are poets who are great, but who I’ve heard at
readings and conferences, and they are such arrogant pigs, I will never spend a
penny on anything they write. I won’t say who they are, but I don’t want to be
like them. I don’t want you to be like them either. You can have every award in
the world but you can still be kind. You know that.
Before this weekend is over, do something good. And buy a
lottery ticket too. You never know!!!
- - - -
Tobi Alfier's most recent collection of poetry is Somewhere, Anywhere, Doesn't Matter Where. She is also co-editor with Jeff Alfier of the San Pedro River Review. Don't miss Tobi's columns on the craft of poetry: insert your email address in the "Follow By Email" box to the right of this article and you'll be notified every time a new article appears.
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