Saturday, March 14, 2020

Open Reading - March 15th Virus Update at Space Cowboy Books In Joshua Tree!

Romaine and Allyson have been rescheduled for May - keep watch here. In the meantime, our reading has changed to an open reading, with a simple caveat - be smart. If you feel sick or find yourself in the "at-risk" group, please stay home. If you have been hanging out with folks who traveled overseas the past week, please stay home. Otherwise, come and bring some cool material to read - either your own, or someone who is inspiring you these days. Remember all the health advice you've heard a million times this week come have fun. We do NOT mind if you decide to sit six feet from someone else =:-)

Rescheduled for May:

The open reading will be held on the stage behind the store. Bring something of your own to read or a passage that inspires you. Prose is limited to two minutes. You're also welcome to simply come and listen to your neighbors. We invite the entire community to come in, share, and simply have a good time! All ages invited, and every event is free! See you there =:-) 

We are celebrating the release of Cholla Needles 39, as well as two great books by Romaine Washington, and Allyson Jeffredo!!! Please feel welcome and be inspired by their presentations. 

Come enjoy the love!

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