Tuesday, December 1, 2020

December Issue Released! Cholla Needles 48 =:-)


The featured authors in this issue are:

Sonya Wohletz
Christien Gholson
Maura Atwood
Jeremy Szuder
Dave Maresh
Edward L. Canavan
R Mason McElvain
Mitchell K. Grabois
Malathi Maithri
Michael G. Vail
Robert DeLoyd

cover & interior art by Jeremy Szuder

Keep up with our featured readers at our weekly Zoom Party every week.
Click here for more info on our Zoom Readings. . .


  1. Can anybody suggest me any book on writing? Any particular book that worked for you?

  2. Hi Shane,
    Mary Oliver's "A Poetry Handbook" is probably a good place to start. I also found that taking writing workshops every once in a while is also a great way to keep your creative flow going strong.


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