Friday, May 10, 2019

Brian Beatty On Donald Hall

Borrowed Trouble: Micro Tribute to Donald Hall (1928-2018)

I wouldn’t write at all if it weren’t for myriad writers before me whose works showed me what was possible. The poems of this series are small offerings of respect, of thanks, to those muses. – Brian Beatty

Donald Hall

I still imagine you living

stuffed full of hay and old money
and fear of white apples

out in some weird ivy league barn
torn from the pages

of the latest L.L. Bean catalog.

– Brian Beatty

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Brian's most recent collections of poetry are Dust and Stars: Miniatures and Brazil, Indiana. Don't miss Brian's columns on the great poets: insert your email address in the "Follow By Email" box to the right of this article and you'll be notified every time a new article appears.


  1. Donald Hall gave a reading for the English department of my undergrad. I noticed right away a sophistication that seemed light years beyond anything I'd ever seen from any of the professors of this Indiana state school. I realized later he'd taken the gig for the money.

  2. Context:


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