Saturday, May 9, 2020

Open Readings while sheltering in place

Our poets are finding ways to communicate since we are unable to hold open air readings yet. As they come in, I will add them to this page and update it. If you are a poet who wishes to have your work added to this page, send a link of yourself reading to editor(at) - replace the (at) with the symbol @. This keeps the robotic spam out of my email box. Thanks!

This page is continuing - - see menu at the right for the link to Part 2!

Lisa Mednick Powell performing 
"She's Holding Hands With Heaven"
"I was thinking about docs and nurses
and home care workers--and aides
like the ones who take care of my Mother
at her assisted living place in New York."

Kurt Schauppner reading "Haiku For Hope"

Greg Gilbert reading "No Curtain Calls, No Critics"

Susan Rukeyser reading 
"Black and Blue Babydoll Nightie (used)"

M. T. Evans reading "Planned Obsolescence"

Cindy Rinne reading "Field Of Vision"

Robert DeLoyd reading "Bee Poem"

L. I. Henley reading
"The Pig, The Book, The Chia, The Moon, and the Butterfly"
(music by Jonathan Maule)

Isabel Winson-Sagan reading "What We Wrote On Water"
(note - the silence at the beginning and interspersed is deliberate - music by Tim Brown)

Susan Abbott reading "Now Voyaging"

Lara Dolphin reads
"Things I Didn't Put On My Nursing Resumé"

Tim Robbins reading "This Hour"

Tim Robbins reading "Gulf" and other poems

James Franco reading Howl by Allen Ginsburg

Michael Lee Johnson reading Daginne Aignende

daginne aignende - 2 poems
(music by r soos)

Words by Tony Moffeit * music & performance by r soos

Laurie Byro reads three poems


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Thank you for publishing a few of my audio YouTube poetry videos will post on my sites soon.

  2. Michael - Thanks for helping to make this shelter-in-place "open reading feel like a reality. A new reality, but reality nonetheless =:-)

  3. I am very excited to be in these videos, thanks much!!!


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